Marine corps Marathon 2011 marathon number 4 completed! As most of you know, this certainly was not my best run ever, but...I had a wonderful time. I got to complete the last half of the race with my best buddy Jamie! We even crossed the finish line holding hands. True story. The course was spectacular and the weather great. But best of all, I got to share with my team mates and close friends some of whom ran thier very first marathon (niki, chris, richard) and others whom rocked solid pr's (jason, Brinson, sherry, Teresa l, teresa d). Most of all, I am proud of everyone for the grit it took to even begin this 4 month journey.
As for me, I know where I went wrong. I didnt follow a training plan like I should have. I ran daily, on a whim, with no attention to adequate recovery. And I failed to do what I know works- yasso 800s. So, over the next few weeks leading up to Boston training I plan to get my legs back. That means sticking to a plan. For those of
You interested, I highly recommend Hal higdoon. He has a book called the marathon which I
Have found highly inspirational and motivational over mt past 4.5 years of running. (thanks Amy for introducing me to it).
I am thinking very strongly about Louisville 2011 just need my iron buddy Jamie to commit too! Everyone encourage her!!