Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back at it...sort of

Needless to say, due to a diagnosis of flu (yes, i had the flu shot), my workout week has been non existant since last Thursday. I felt bad after group run last week and it progressively got worse from there. I decided not to go to Master's swim on Friday, but made it to work for a whopping 3 hours. I spent the rest of the day and night sleeping on my couch. Saturday morning I woke up and felt even worse. I took myself to the doctor and had the pleasure of two q-tips going up my nose. Results-FLU. Ughh. Good news, I got medication that proceed to make me comatose until late Monday afternoon. Hence, no working out. Boo. I was so terribly disappointed to miss not only my long run, but my ride! Sigh.

Tuesday, I began to perk up so i ventured to the wellness center that evening for Power Pump. As usual, it kicked my butt. Back, chest, legs, and abs all within an hour. As I write this two days later, I am still feeling the after effects. After the class, I attempted a treadmill run. FAIL. I felt terrible and my legs were heavy despite being off for so many days.

Wed=long day at work. No swim or run.

Today, I felt a bit better. I was signed up for my typical spin class this morning. Due to that horrific white fluffy stuff, class was cancelled. However, those of us who still showed up made our own spin class for an hour. Then directly there after completed my brick workout-2 mile run on treadmill in 17:08. Not bad. By mile two, I was beginning to get my legs under me again. Tonight, I braved the cold with my fellow Foot Rx family and ran the loop averaging about an 8:09 pace. Pretty pleased with my pace with all things considering. However, not so pleased with how my legs feel. Ton of led bricks.

Not sure about what the weekend holds. Hopefully a long run and ride if my legs and lungs are up to it. I have heard we are expected to get into some 60 degree weather next week. Keep your fingers crossed and rub your rabbit's foot for that one!!!!

On the non workout side of the weekend, Ava Estelle is turning one! Can't believe it. I will be celebrating her birthday Saturday afternoon with her mama, daddy, and rest of her family. So blessed to know them. :)

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